Thursday, May 1, 2014


It's May already. I cannot believe how quickly this year is flying by.

Between Michael's travels for work, the running races and mom's chemo treatments it seems as though 2014 is a blur.

On top of all that, Owen started guitar classes in March (I think I mentioned that), Ethan started Karate at the beginning of April and Lily started Zumba classes in April as well. Next week I'm beginning Karate classes as well. I've always wanted to learn martial arts, so I'm doing it.

I have two races in May ... one is this weekend. The Starbucks Hazel 5km in Mississauga. Like last year I'm spending the day with Valerie. She's picking me up and we'll head out for an early dinner and then to the start line for 6pm. Last year my time was 28:11, which was a new all time personal best. This year, however, at Around the Bay 5km I blew that out of the water with a time of 26:31 and just did the Brantford Classic with Owen to get him a new PB. I wasn't pushing it but my time was 27:21 ... lots of steam left to give. So my plan is to kick ass at the Hazel 5km on Saturday. No pressure. HA. I never run with pressure, but this time I am and it kind of makes me nervous.

The race after that is the Sulphur Springs Trail Run on May 24th. Michael is running the 50mi race (80km) and I'm doing the 10km. I have no illusions that I'll rock that race. It's trails with a massive hill in it. I can run 10km easily, but I'm not going to fool myself into thinking this particular 10km is going to be an easy one for me. It's my longest distance (since my injury last year) and I'm not into killing myself. Run easy, run another day. Michael's race freaks me out. 80km is just CRAZY.

So ... May. It's busy.