Thursday, April 2, 2015

Crazy is My Middle Name

As you're well aware I run, I bike, I do karate. I've dabbled in strength training at home with kettle bells and Jillian Michael's videos. Now Michael and I have a gym membership and I'm starting into doing weights with him. It's fun working out with him, he's knowledgeable, encouraging and fun to look at. I'm not confident enough on the weight machines to have a go at it alone, so I'll be waiting until he's home again to do more, however while he's away I have other strength training to keep me occupied ...

It's the DAMO Challenge (Daily Motivation) from The Berry. It was originally posted back in February when I was doing my run streak, so I just saved each of the daily workouts and decided I'd begin April 1st. Let me tell you. Yesterday's workout was HARD. I only got through three sets before I was completely exhausted. It worked though because I woke up this morning feeling ALL the muscles in my butt and legs.

I won't likely post all the workouts here, but to give you a taste of them; here are the first three days. I plan to complete the entire 30 days. Today (day 2 of DAMO) I did a 5km run as well. I will sleep well tonight.

If you're interested in the challenge and/or you just want to torture yourself (and build some muscle) here's the link to the entire set. 30 Day DAMO Challenge

Don't worry I've been exercising my fingers with plenty of knitting as well. :)


  1. Oh wow, sounds like your crossing over to CrossFit! :o)
    My exercise so far hasn't gotten me where I want to go. Elliptical trainers are a waste of time. Or, at least it got me started.
    I've been wanting to do Bodyweight lifting for a while now, but I have such problems with my knees. Stupid body parts hurt so much. Anyway, looking forward to hearing more of your self torture! :o)

  2. Oh geez, I am sweating just reading those. Go you!
    I'm doing a lot of very gentle yoga these days.

  3. That first one didn't look so bad until I saw "repeat 4x" at the end!!
